What Happened, Brittany Murphy?
Wonders of the Celtic Deep
Stoke the Fire
The Engineering That Built the World
Justin Bieber: Our World
The Rescue
Searching for Cannibal Holocaust
Convergence: Courage in a Crisis
British Columbia: An Untold History
Among the Stars
Meet, Marry, Murder
Bad Sport
Blair and Brown: The New Labour Revolution
Vince Carter: Legacy
All or Nothing: Toronto Maple Leafs
Lynching Postcards: ‘Token of a Great Day’
The Jesus Music
Freakscene: The Story of Dinosaur Jr.
Look Away, Look Away
A Sinister Sect: Colonia Dignidad
Puff: Wonders of the Reef
The Real Cost
The Way Down: God, Greed, and the Cult of Gwen Shamblin
Britney Vs Spears
Attack of the Hollywood Clichés!
King Tut In Color
Escaping Captivity: The Kara Robinson Story
Nuclear Family
Curse of the Chippendales